255. If I had Cancer Diagnosed

To the best of my knowledge I do not suffer from any kind of cancer but sadly it is very common and I know many people who have this disease. Several are no longer with us. The reality is that despite the huge efforts devoted to research and treatment, the incidence continues to increase.

Cancer can be defeated

Although the success rate with conventional treatments is not particularly good, over the past few years I have encountered a number of examples of individuals who have conquered their cancer successfully by altering their diet. These include:

  • Archie Robertson who had cancer of the oesophagus that was successfully cured by switching to a ketogenic diet (one that that is low in sugar/carbohydrates and high in healthy fats) (1).
  • Paul Kelly, aged 27 years, who was diagnosed with a tumour in his brain two years ago and told he just had months to live. An operation was not possible and he was advised that chemotherapy was the only option. He researched the subject and decided that consuming a diet which was low in carbs and high in fat would be preferable to the conventional treatment with drugs. He does not eat any processed foods, refined sugars, root vegetables, starch, breads, or grains. The only carbs in his diet are from green vegetables. He also fasts regularly and monitors his blood sugar twice daily. He takes supplements and anti-inflammatories. Although the tumour is still present, it has not got bigger and he has certainly done considerably better than would have been expected if he had followed the advice of his doctors (2).
  • Even more compelling is the experience of Jane Plant who is Professor of Geochemistry at Imperial College in London. For 5 years she was the Chief Scientist for the British Geological Survey. In 1987 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which recurred 5 times and by 1993 had spread to her lymph system. At this point she took matters into her own hands by applying her training and expertise to try to identify what was causing her disease. As a result she devised simple changes to her diet and lifestyle which produced a complete cure. Her book describes how the story unfolds and contains details which may be used to cure or prevent cancers of the breast and prostate (3).
  • Domini Kemp and Patricia Daly both recovered from cancer with the help of a ketogenic diet (4). They have told their stories. In their book “The Ketogenic Kitchen”, which also has numerous recipes for dishes that comply with these guidelines (5).

Supported by science

There is sound scientific research to substantiate these case studies. Essentially this is based on the work of the German biochemist Otto Warburg. He discovered that cancer cells are dependent on a supply of glucose to provide energy, whereas healthy cells can utilise both glucose and ketones (derived from fat) as sources of energy. This means that if the cancer cells are starved of glucose, they cannot survive. This can be achieved by consuming a diet in which the sugar and starch that breaks down to glucose are kept to the absolute minimum. Because this deprives the cancer cells of the energy they can no longer function and effectively die.

One of the outstanding researchers in this field is Dr. Thomas Seyfried, who has explained the background in detail in his book (6). This is quite heavy going but the key elements are described in this talk recorded on You Tube, which is well worth watching (7). Travis Christofferson provides compelling insight into why the approach advocated by Seyfried has not been accepted by the mainstream cancer specialists (8). Although he recognises that we do not have a robust basis for treating cancer by changing to a ketogenic diet, the strategy is spelled out as follows:

  • The best way to start is by 48 to 72 hour water only fast;
  • Try to maintain a ratio of 4 grams of fat to every gram of protein, with total carbohydrates below 12 grams per day;
  • Reduce total calories until the therapeutic “zone” is reached;
  • Monitor blood glucose and ketones up to three times a day;
  • Bear in mind that calorie restriction is the most important part of the procedure.

What should anyone do?

So I have not the slightest doubt that if I am ever diagnosed with any form of cancer, I would immediately take steps to cut out any sugar in my diet and as much carbohydrates as possible. In recent years I progressed in this direction but I do still enjoy some foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. As far as I can make out, I seem to cope with this diet without any problems. My glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was in the healthy range when it was measured a few weeks ago. However if the big “C” appeared then I would be taking drastic action.

Final comment

It is most regrettable that this information is not made available to everyone who has cancer. At the very least they should be given the option to research the issue and decide for themselves. It is absolutely scandalous that the medical establishment persists with treatments, which have had relatively little success. There is widespread failure to attempt to identify the fundamental cause of the disease. Even if there is short term improvement as result of removing a tumour, the fact remains that if the cause remains in place, then another tumour is likely to develop. All too often, poor diet with a high content of sugar and carbohydrates, is to blame although other factors such as exposure to toxins may also be responsible. The potential benefits of a ketogenic diet are huge. We need to put resources into the necessary research and make patients aware of the scope for tackling cancer using this approach.


  1. http://vernerwheelock.com/212-recovering-from-cancer-case-history-of-archie-robertson/
  2. http://vernerwheelock.com/226-could-a-low-carb-diet-help-cancer-patients/
  3. Jane A Plant (2000) “Your Life in Your Hands: Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Breast Cancer”. Virgin: London
  4. http://vernerwheelock.com/231-the-ketogenic-kitchen/
  5. D Kemp & P Daly (2016) “The Ketogenic Kitchen” Gill Books: Dublin ISBN 978-0-717169-26-9
  6. T N Seyfried (2012) “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer” John Wiley New Jersey ISBN 978-0-470584-92-7
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEE-oU8_NSU
  8. T Christofferson (2014). “Tripping over the Truth: the return of the metabolic theory of cancer illuminates a new and hopeful path to a cure”. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform: South Carolina ISBN 978-1-500600-31-0


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