Insightful Health Articles

12. Fitness not Fatness is the Issue

Despite all the emphasis on BMI as an indicator of health status/risk of dying the fact remains that for any given body weight/BMI there is a wide variation in health because many others factors can come into play. A recent study conducted in the USA has analysed the impact of various demographic and behaviour-related factors

12. Fitness not Fatness is the Issue Read More »

11. Relationship between BMI and Death Rates from Different Diseases

  The official approach to obesity is based on the fact that there is an increased incidence of diabetes, heart attacks and certain cancers as the BMI increases. But there are many other causes of death and to obtain a comprehensive perspective we need to consider all the different diseases/conditions which contribute to ill-health and

11. Relationship between BMI and Death Rates from Different Diseases Read More »

10.What is the Evidence that being Overweight or Obese as Determined by BMI is dangerous?

  In 2005 the authoritative Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a study conducted by Katherine Flegal and colleagues at the respected Center for Disease Control (CDC).  This work is an analysis of data derived from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted in the USA. It was started

10.What is the Evidence that being Overweight or Obese as Determined by BMI is dangerous? Read More »

7.Do not follow a low carb diet??? A reply to Dr Tom Smith’s comments in the Guardian 19 Jan 2013 #lowcarb

According to GP Tom Smith in The Guardian on Saturday 19th January 2013, he would NEVER follow a low carb diet because it may KILL YOU! His conclusion is based on the results of a study conducted on women in Sweden who were monitored for an average of 15 years. The report was published in

7.Do not follow a low carb diet??? A reply to Dr Tom Smith’s comments in the Guardian 19 Jan 2013 #lowcarb Read More »

6. The rationale for reducing fat (is fundamentally flawed) Part 1

The basis for the recommendations to reduce fat and saturated fat is the Diet-Heart Theory which is generally accepted by the medical and public health bodies.  Essentially it concludes that the concentration of total cholesterol in the blood (TC) is a risk factor for heart disease. It follows from this that any factor which increases

6. The rationale for reducing fat (is fundamentally flawed) Part 1 Read More »

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