
193. Diabetes: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Must Do Better!

I have just been reading a paper on the Eatright website which is from the USA Academy of Nutrition Dietetics (AND). This states that the causes of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) are: “complex and still not fully known. Sometimes diabetes is triggered by genetics, illness, being overweight or simply getting older. Although food doesn’t cause diabetes,

193. Diabetes: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Must Do Better! Read More »

120. Revelations about Aspartame

Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener which is produced by G D Searle a company owned by Monsanto. It is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose. According to the official website the benefits include: Aspartame Tastes Like Sugar Aspartame Enhances and Extends Flavors Aspartame Does Not Promote Tooth Decay Aspartame is Helpful for Individuals with Diabetes

120. Revelations about Aspartame Read More »

119. The Medical-Industrial Complex

As long ago as 1960, President Eisenhower warned about the dangers of the Military-Industrial Complex. Here is a quote from the famous speech: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists

119. The Medical-Industrial Complex Read More »

113. Can We Trust the Drug Companies?

The banking industry quite rightly suffers from public opprobrium because of its role in the financial crisis, manipulation of the bank rate and mis-selling of various products. By contrast the pharmaceutical industry is somewhat more highly regarded. Nevertheless recent examples of unethical behaviour indicate that the approach to business in this sector does not exactly

113. Can We Trust the Drug Companies? Read More »

98.The High-Cholesterol Paradox

This is a repost by Glyn Wainwright which originally appeared on to Glyn for permission to post here. He can be contacted at @Cholesterol_OK Based upon a presentation to the European Conference WAPF London 2014 Glyn Wainwright MSc MBCS CITP CEng Independent Researcher, Leeds UK The Paradox Being told you have ‘high cholesterol’ is commonly

98.The High-Cholesterol Paradox Read More »

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