
63. The Current Debate about Sugar

Sugar is definitely in the news these days. The “Action on Sugar” campaign has certainly hit the airwaves but has been challenged by The Grocer with various articles including one with the headline “Action on Sugar Case is ‘pretty weak’ “. Hence there is great interest in the forthcoming report from the Scientific Advisory Committee

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61. Yet More Nonsense on Obesity!

“State of the Nation’s Waistline” is the title of a report prepared by the National Obesity Forum which makes the usual dire predictions about how obesity is getting worse and the failure of individuals, health professionals and the government to tackle the issue (1). Here is selection of some of the points made in the

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58. Cancer and Sugar

One of the most significant findings about cancer was made by the German biochemist Otto Warburg. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931 for his discovery of the oxygen-transferring enzyme of cell respiration. Here is an extract from a lecture he presented in 1966 (1). “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless

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57. More Bad News about Sugar

In a recent paper a research project based at the University of Utah has shown that comparatively low levels of sugar added to the diet can have substantial negative effects on mouse survival, competitive ability, and reproduction. In particular it was found that when mice ate a diet of 25% extra sugar – the mouse

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47. Anticancer

“Anticancer: a new way of life” is the title of a book written by Dr David Servan-Schreiber, who was clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine(1). At the age of 31 years the author was diagnosed with brain cancer. This stimulated him to investigate various methods and approaches to overcome

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35. Is Sugar Toxic?

Dr Robert Lustig is a leading expert in childhood obesity at the University of California, San Francisco. He has constructed a formidable comprehensive case that explains why diet is primarily responsible for the development of a range of diseases/conditions which are now referred to as Metabolic Syndrome. These include obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease

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